Web Application Project is configured to use IIS. You do not have permission to access the IIS configuration file.

Error: When trying to load web projects in Visual Studio, you get the following error… Soution: Browse to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv and then double-click the “config” directory. Do the same for the C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\export directory and also the other directories in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv. Now you will be able to open the Visual Studio Web Application Project without a problem.... » read more

Visual Studio Version Number

The numbers correspond to the internal version numbers of various editions of Visual Studio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_Studio#History Visual Studio 6.0 (1998)Visual Studio .NET (2002) = version 7Visual Studio .NET 2003 = version 7.1Visual Studio 2005 = version 8Visual Studio 2008 = version 9Visual Studio 2010 = version 10Visual Studio 2012 = version 11Visual Studio 2013 = version... » read more

Adding Existing VS Project to Git BitBucket using Sourcetree

Adding an existing Visual Studio project to Git BitBucket using Sourcetree. Create new repository in BitBucket.org. Create new working folder on local computer. Using BitBucket Sourcetree app, create new project by clone. Clone BitBucket repository (https:// account01 @bitbucket.org/account01/project01.git) to local working folder (c:\git\project01). Add .gitattributes and .gitignore files to root of working folder. Add Files... » read more