SSRS 2022 Install Error with .NET

Error: Getting the following error when trying to install SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2022 Dev. Stuck on “Installing Microsoft .NET 4.8” Error code 0x800713ec-Asia Fix: Install the offline .NET Framework installer version first, then go back and install SSRS. The server might not have internet access. SSRS install will need to download specific packages... » read more

no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier browser-wasm

Error: There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier ‘browser-wasm’. xxxxxxxxxxxx C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.FrameworkReferenceResolution.targets Fix: Was able to resolve the issue by removing the project dependency (which I didn’t need in the first place, but accidentally got placed there). In my case, the error wasn’t the result of the Blazor project itself, but a referenced... » read more

ASP.NET Core 7.0 Documentation

ASP.NET Core 7.0 ASP.NET Core Blazor

Convert Blazor App from .NET 5 to .NET 6/7

To update to a new version of Blazor WebAssembly, you need to follow 4 steps: Change the target framework. Upgrade NuGet packages. Add HeadOutlet to Program.cs. Modify Blazor “Server” App Change the target framework The first step to update Blazor WebAssembly to a newer version is updating the target framework. Right click to your project, select Properties. Select .NET... » read more

Install .NET 6 Entity Framework

Install the following packages from Nuget Package Manager… Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Install Entity Framework.. Check to see if Entity Framework is installed You will get the following if EF is not installed… dotnet : Could not execute because the specified command or file was not found. At line:1 char:1 + dotnet ef + ~~~~~~~~~ +... » read more


Create New Project Template: ASP.NET Core Web API Framework: .NET 6.0 Check “Configure for HTTPS“ Check “Use controllers (uncheck to use minimal API)” for controller vs minimal API Check “Enable OpenAPI support” for Swagger OpenAPI support Book Class Book Controller or … For Delete, pass in object instead of id. BookController using Entity Framework Example:

CRUD with a .NET 6 Web API & Entity Framework Core Example

Visual Studio 2022 New Project Template: ASP.NET Core Web API Framework: .NET 6.0 Check “Configure for HTTPS“ Check “Use controllers (uncheck to use minimal API)” for controller vs minimal API Check “Enable OpenAPI support” for Swagger OpenAPI support Entity Framework Install the following from Nuget Package Manager… Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer PM> dotnet tool install –global... » read more