TDE and Encryption Keys

SQL Server uses encryption keys to help secure data, credentials, and connection information that is stored in a server database. SQL Server has two kinds of keys: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric keys use the same password to encrypt and decrypt data. Asymmetric keys use one password to encrypt data (called the public key) and another to decrypt data (called... » read more

TDE and Database Backup and Recovery

Back up the master key and certificate that are used for TDE to a safe location. The master key and certificate are required to restore backups that were taken when the database was encrypted with TDE. After you remove the database encryption key, take a log backup followed by a fresh full backup of the... » read more

TDE and Always On Setup

TDE and Always On To configure the TDE on the TDE_Test database, we should first create a master key in the master database. Only one master key can be created per each SQL Server instance. All user databases that are hosted in the same SQL instance, and have the TDE enabled on it, will share... » read more

Enable TDE on SQL Server

Create Database Master Key and Certificate Note: USE master database. You should backup the Certificate (With Master Key) as soon as you create the certificate. Note: You can not create a Master Key if a Master Key is already created. You can not drop a Master Key if there are existing Certificate created with the... » read more

SQL Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

SQL Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Feature is a native feature of SQL Enterprise edition. Transparent Data Encryption is designed to protect data by encrypting the physical files of the database, rather than the data itself. Its main purpose is to prevent unauthorized access to the data by restoring the files to another server. With Transparent... » read more

Generate PFX (Private Certificates) from Key file and Certificate file using Open SSL

Obtain private key from SSL site.  Download directly from browser. mydomain_com_key.txt Company will send you the cert files in email. mydomain_com.crt Download OpenSSL for Windows\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe Generate PFX (Private Certificates) from Key file and Certificate file. Provide a password Private Key (from download) + Certificate (from email) = PFX file (via OpenSSL) Source:... » read more

Pageant Key List

When you run Pageant, it will put an icon of a computer wearing a hat into the System tray. It will then sit and do nothing, until you load a private key into it. If you click the Pageant icon with the right mouse button, you will see a menu. Select ‘View Keys’ from this menu.... » read more

WinSCP C# Example

Note: If ppk is required by destination FTP site, make sure the ppk is loaded into Pageant first. Else authentication will fail when the .NET app tries to connect to the FTP site, even if “GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = true” is set. Sources:


PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers. You can download PuTTY here. Sources: