- Please open the below linkĀ https://aka.ms/getTSS
2. Copy the zip file to the Server
3. Unzip the contents of tss_tools.zip to a folder
4. Open PowerShell as Administrator
5. Change to the directory where the files were extracted
6. Run the following command: .\get-psSDP.ps1 Cluster
In case if this command does not work please try .\tss SDP:Cluster
7. The tool will start collecting the logs, please wait until all the modules finish
8. You will get a confirmation message once the diagnostics are completed. The location and name of the resulting zipped file will be displayed. The default path is C:\MS-DATA
Open PowerShell to Admin mode..and change directory to psSDP foldercd C:\TSSv2\psSDP
Get Cluster Logs.\get-psSDP.ps1 Cluster
Get SQL Server Logs.\get-psSDP.ps1 SQLBase