Use Mailings -> Labels -> 5160 Address Labels (10×3=30 labels/page)
Create an excel with 30 records with “Barcode” title and use “Select Recipients” -> “Use an Existing List” to read in the data.
Use the following to print out barcode… Change MERGEFIELD to MERGEBARCODE and add CODE128 at the end.
Print barcode with barcode number at the bottom of barcode.
{ MERGEBARCODE Barcode CODE128 \t}
Adjust height (The units are in TWIPS (1/1440 inch))
{ MERGEBARCODE Barcode CODE128 \h 1000}
Use { NEXT } to print next record for rest of 29 labels for 10×3=30 label format, create 30 data rows in excel.
{ NEXT }{ MERGEBARCODE Barcode CODE128 \t \h 900}