Qualities of Highly Successful People
This list is still a work in progress. Things I picked up from reading books, articles, and personal experiences.
- Surround yourself by other highly successful people. Learn from them.
- Continuous Learning. Never stop learning. Keep learning, growing, and improving.
- Always ask “why”. “The people who knows how will always have a job but the person who knows why will always. be the boss”.
- Sees problems and challenges as opportunities.
- Spirit and passion driven. Love what they do.
- Believes success is driving by yourself not others. “I am responsible for my results”.
- Critical Thinking. Negative Thinking -> Positive Thinking -> Critical Thinking. Does not let emotion get in the way.
- Take something complicated and make it simple.
- Think big.
- Learn to sell and market yourself.
- Have competence and follow through with excellence. Say it, plan it, and do it. See what needs to happen, make it happen, and make it happen when it really counts.
- Always go the extra mile. Good enough is never good enough.
- Have courage. “It’s doing what you are afraid to do. It’s having the power to let go of the familiar, and forge ahead into new territory”.
- Stay focus. Focus on your strength. Focus on high value targets.
- Take initiative. Keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.
- Passion. Love what they do.
- Positive attitude. If you believe you can, you can.
- Build relationships. “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how how to get along with people”. – President Theodore Roosevelt.
- Ability to get the job done.